Sen. Adriane Johnson

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Adriane Johnson continues to fight to expand cancer research throughout the state through a measure she passed in the Senate.

“Cancer is a perilous disease that has affected too many of our loved ones,” said Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). “Expanding research creates hope for better treatment and solutions in the near future.”

Johnson’s measure would expand research to answer specific questions about the safety of treatment, vaccines, therapy, medical devices and more. Senate Bill 1774 would also emphasize the importance of diversity among clinical trial participants in order to learn more about the safety and efficacy of potential medicine and treatments.

“The expansion of research through clinical trials will put the state on a path toward being able to help more cancer patients,” said Johnson. “By expanding this research, we are able to expand the opportunity for a better quality of life.”

Senate Bill 1774 passed the Senate on Wednesday and will head to the House for further consideration.